Τετάρτη 18 Ιανουαρίου 2012


Paul Erdos was a great mathematician who used to pose problems in mathematics periodicals (American Mathematical Monthly and others) with money prizes. I will do the same for a problem, but instead of money, the prize will be a classical book of geometry. It is a good coincidence that I have named the Point of the problem by the name of another great Paul: Pablo Picasso, and also today (18 January) is the birthday of my son Paul.

The Problem:

Let ABC be a triangle, A'B'C' the antipodal triangle of ABC (=circumcevian triangle of O) and D a point. Let A"B"C" be the circumcevian triangle of D with respect A'B'C' (ie A" is the other than A' intersection of A'D with the circumcircle etc)


N,N1,N2,N3 the NPC centers of the triangles ABC, A"BC, B"CA, C"AB.

The four centers N,N1,N2,N3 are concyclic.

The center of the circle is General Picasso Point [See HERE]

Terms of Proofs:

The proof must be Euclidean synthetic (ie with no use of algebra or coordinate geometry)

The Prize:

The first, who will post a proof to the list Hyacinthos, will win the book:

F.G.-M.: Exercices de Geometrie. Huitieme Edition.

The book has 1302 pages + a 36 pages supplement

From page 1130 to page 1259: Geometrie du triangle:

Good Luck!

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Suppose, $ H_a,H_b,H_c,H $ are the orthocenters of $ \Delta A"BC,\Delta B"CA,\Delta C"AB, \Delta ABC $.
    Note that, those nine-point centers are the midpoints of $ OH,OH_a,OH_b,OH_c $. So its enough to prove that $
    HH_aH_bH_c $ is cyclic.
    Now note that $ AHH_aA" $ is a parallelogram. So $ HH_a\parallel AA" $ and $ HH_a=AA" $ and similar for others.
    Suppose, $ A_2,B_2,C_2 $ are the diametrically opposite points of $ A",B",C" $ wrt $ (O) $. Note that $ AA_2,BB_2,CC_2 $ are concurrent at the reflection of $ D $ on $ O $.
    Now suppose, $ A_1,B_1,C_1 $ are the foot of the perpendiculars from $ O $ to $ AA_2,BB_2,CC_2 $. Note that $ OA_1\parallel AA" $ and $ OA_1=\frac {AA"}{2} $. Similar for others.
    So the configuration $ HH_aH_bH_c $v is homothetic to $ OA_1B_1C_1 $.
    Clearly $ O,A_1,B_1,C_1 $ lie on the circle with diameter $ OD' $ where $ D' $ is reflection of $ D $ on $ O $.
    So $ HH_aH_bH_c $ is cyclic. So done.


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