Δευτέρα 25 Μαρτίου 2013

Regular Polygon

A hexakaidecagon.... !

From Black and White pictures

Naming Regular Polygons and Polyhedra:

Prof. Conway writes:

Antreas Hatzipolakis and I worked out a complete system up to the millions from which this is taken, and which has also been "vetted" by several other scholars. The most important of the reasons which make me prefer the "kai" forms is that they permit these prefixes to be unambiguously parsed even when concatenated, as they are in Kepler's names for certain polyhedra; for example, the icosidodecahedron or (20,12)-hedron, so called because it has 20 faces of one type and 12 of another. Kepler said "this particular triacontakaidihedron I call the icosidodecahedron", a remark showing that he also preferred the kai forms.

John Conway

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