Δευτέρα 10 Απριλίου 2023

APH - PY problems

Professor Paul Yiu

Proposed by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis and Paul Yiu

CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol 26, No. 3, April 2000, p. 177, #2525.
ΨΗΦ. CM2525
Solutions: CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol. 27, No. 4, May 2001, pp. 270-271.
ΨΗΦ. CM2525
Reference: CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol 38, No. 10, December 2012, pp. 418-419.
ΨΗΦ. CM2525

CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol. 29, No. 6, October 2003, p. 399, #2867.
ΨΗΦ. CM2867
Solutions: CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol. 30, No. 6, October 2004, pp. 378-379.
ΨΗΦ. CM2867
Reference: CRUX MATHEMATICORUM vol 38, No. 10, December 2012, p. 419.
ΨΗΦ. CM2867

Mail Antreas P. Hatzipolakis

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