Κυριακή 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2013


Let ABC be a triangle, (N),(N1),(N2),(N3) the NPCs of ABC,NBC,NCA,NAB, resp. [concurrent at pN]. The NPCs of the triangles N1N2N3, NN1N2, NN2N3, NN3N1 concur at point ppN on the Euler Line of ABC.


Let ABC be a triangle, P a point, (N),(N1),(N2),(N3) the NPCs of ABC, PBC, PCA, PAB resp. [concurrent at pP]. If P is on the Euler line of ABC, then the NPCs of N1N2N3, PN1N2, PN2N3, PN3N1 concur at point ppP on the Euler Line of ABC.(??)

Antreas P. Hatzipolakis, 10 Febr. 2013


pP is the center of the rectangular circumhyperbola through P.

ppP does not, in general, lie on the Euler line.

Some results:

P=X(1), the NPCs are concurrent, with center = non-ETC 1.121590125545969 (on lines 1,5 3,962).

P=X(2), ppP=non-ETC 1.690358502447462

P=X(3), ppP=X(140)

P=X(4), ppP=undefined

P=X(5), ppP=X(3628)

P=X(6), ppP=non ETC 0.780037257060191

P=X(7), ppP=non ETC 0.750876768572663

P=X(8), ppP=non ETC 2.966801160450799

P=X(9), ppP=non-ETC 0.972023454564163

P=X(10), ppP=non-ETC 2.238481946743318

P=X(20), ppP=non-ETC 6.363850996796102

P=X(21), ppP=non-ETC -1.717011738240629

P=X(22), ppP=non-ETC -4.036288926987237

Of these, only X(140) and X(3628) lie on the Euler line.Β The ppP for points P on the Euler line do not even lie on the same conic.


Randy Hutson, Hyacinthos #21519

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